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Good Study Habits For Students


In a world full of cut-throat competition, high rising cut offs of colleges, remaining ahead of the bunch is the need of the hour. This requires a combination of effective study habits as well as consistent efforts. Working hard without an effective plan will nullify your efforts. According to a study, approx. 75% of students find studying a hectic task which is often interrupted by procrastination, poor willpower and hundreds of distractions. Consequently, it can be a set back for your grades and overall growth. For desirable grades, you need to inculcate certain good study habits which not only help you in improving your efficiency but also adds to your productivity.


Here are some of the good study habits that can help you in developing an efficient routine and can improve your learning ability.


Organize yourself


Good Study Habits


The first and foremost step towards building an efficient routine and cultivating good study habits is to get aligned and organized. Students should write down their tasks and should prepare to do lists. This will help them in keeping a record of all essential worksheets as well as assignments. Preparing “to do lists” is also an effective technique which will eventually help you in measuring performance. This way you can easily find loopholes and take actions to correct them.


Consistency is the key!!!


Cramming every subject a month before the exam won’t fetch favourable outcome. For good grades, you have to set a systematic routine and follow it religiously. For improved performance as well as effective results you first have to find out the time during which your efficacy is highest. Then you have to study at that particular time. Studying at the same time every day will make you mentally prepared for every study period and therefore enhancing productivity. This process will help you to derive maximum output with minimum inputs.


Make proper notes!!


Good Study Habits


After a careful reading of each chapter, it’s time to draw an outline of it. Noting down all the important points will help you to revise the entire chapter at a glance. But remember you don’t have to write everything!! Write only what is important. Another crucial thing to keep in mind is to make notes as attractive as possible. Use a combination of colour pencils as well as sticky notes. This will make your notes less-monotonous. Try to skim through the previously written notes every once in a while and before starting new topics.


Set S.M.A.R.T Goals!!


YES!!! By saying smart I literally meant ‘smart’. Your goal should be as follows:-

S – Specific.

Your goals should not be defined vaguely instead they should be specific and to the point. Ask yourself what you want to achieve before setting up a goal.

M – Measurable

How will you get to know that your goals are achieved or not??  Try to set a goal which can be measured in terms of numbers. Quantifying your goals will make them more transparent and clear.

For Eg:- “I want to pass this semester with good grades “ This goal is not measurable at all because it can be diversely interpreted. Good grades may mean 95% for a topper but at the same time, it can mean70% for an average student.

A – Achievable

Is it in your ability to achieve it?? Goals should be within your reach and means. Setting goals which are unattainable may lead to disappointment. At the same time setting goals which are too easy to achieve may lead to unproductivity.

R – Realistic

Is the goal worthwhile and will it meet your needs???  Your goals should be consistent and should be in sync with your demands. They should be supporting your long-term plans.

T – Timely

When you want to achieve it?? Setting a time frame for your goals will give you an opportunity to check your efficiency. It will create a sense of urgency and will be all set to achieve it.


Choose a study area

Good Study Habits


Students often find this part easiest but they hardly realize it’s significance. Wisely choosing a study area is necessary for better results. Your study area should be away from all sorts of distractions and chaos. It should be neat and clean with only necessary thing lying on it.


Review your test-taking skills



Do you feel tremendous pressure while giving a test?? According to a survey report approx.. eight out of every ten students face some of the other kinds of discomfort during exams. They include stress, anxiety in addition to others mental and physical ailments. This mainly occurs due to lack of practice. So, it is important to give mock tests before every major exam. This will help you to get an idea of the questions, reduce anxiety during administering an exam in addition to the timely completion of the paper.


Time and again, we all face certain problems while paying attention or while studying……but these above-mentioned tips will help you to build an efficient study routine and eventually guides on how to inculcate good study habits. Our efficient teachers act in the same way. They advise you and lubricates your journey to success.

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